à ìÈîÈä éÀäåÈä, úÇÌòÂîÉã áÀÌøÈçåÉ÷; úÇÌòÀìÄéí, ìÀòÄúÌåÉú áÇÌöÈÌøÈä. |
1 Why standest Thou afar off, O LORD? Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble? |
á áÀÌâÇàÂåÇú øÈùÈÑò, éÄãÀìÇ÷ òÈðÄé; éÄúÈÌôÀùÒåÌ, áÄÌîÀæÄîÌåÉú æåÌ çÈùÈÑáåÌ. |
2 Through the pride of the wicked the poor is hotly pursued, they are taken in the devices that they have imagined. |
â ëÄÌé-äÄìÅÌì øÈùÈÑò, òÇì-úÇÌàÂåÇú ðÇôÀùÑåÉ; åÌáÉöÅòÇ áÅÌøÅêÀ, ðÄàÅõ éÀäåÈä. |
3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and the covetous vaunteth himself, though he contemn the LORD. |
ã øÈùÈÑò--ëÀÌâÉáÇäÌ àÇôÌåÉ, áÇÌì-éÄãÀøÉùÑ; àÅéï àÁìÉäÄéí, ëÈÌì-îÀæÄîÌåÉúÈéå. |
4 The wicked, in the pride of his countenance [, saith]: 'He will not require'; all his thoughts are: 'There is no God.' |
ä éÈçÄéìåÌ ãÀøÈëÈå, áÀÌëÈì-òÅú--îÈøåÉí îÄùÀÑôÈÌèÆéêÈ, îÄðÆÌâÀãÌåÉ; ëÈÌì-öåÉøÀøÈéå, éÈôÄéçÇ áÈÌäÆí. |
5 His ways prosper at all times; Thy judgments are far above out of his sight; as for all his adversaries, he puffeth at them. |
å àÈîÇø áÀÌìÄáÌåÉ, áÇÌì-àÆîÌåÉè; ìÀãÉø åÈãÉø, àÂùÆÑø ìÉà-áÀøÈò. |
6 He saith in his heart: 'I shall not be moved, I who to all generations shall not be in adversity.' |
æ àÈìÈä, ôÄÌéäåÌ îÈìÅà--åÌîÄøÀîåÉú åÈúÉêÀ; úÇÌçÇú ìÀùÑåÉðåÉ, òÈîÈì åÈàÈåÆï. |
7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is mischief and iniquity. |
ç éÅùÅÑá, áÀÌîÇàÀøÇá çÂöÅøÄéí--áÇÌîÄÌñÀúÈÌøÄéí, éÇäÂøÉâ ðÈ÷Äé; òÅéðÈéå, ìÀçÅìÀëÈä éÄöÀôÉÌðåÌ. |
8 He sitteth in the lurking-places of the villages; in secret places doth he slay the innocent; his eyes are on the watch for the helpless. |
è éÆàÁøÉá áÇÌîÄÌñÀúÈÌø, ëÀÌàÇøÀéÅä áÀñËëÉÌä-- éÆàÁøÉá, ìÇçÂèåÉó òÈðÄé; éÇçÀèÉó òÈðÄé, áÀÌîÈùÀÑëåÉ áÀøÄùÀÑúÌåÉ. |
9 He lieth in wait in a secret place as a lion in his lair, he lieth in wait to catch the poor; {N} he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him up in his net. |
é åãëä éÄãÀëÆÌä éÈùÉÑçÇ; åÀðÈôÇì áÇÌòÂöåÌîÈéå, çìëàéí çÅì ëÈÌàÄéí. |
10 He croucheth, he boweth down, and the helpless fall into his mighty claws. |
éà àÈîÇø áÀÌìÄáÌåÉ, ùÈÑëÇç àÅì; äÄñÀúÄÌéø ôÈÌðÈéå, áÇÌì-øÈàÈä ìÈðÆöÇç. |
11 He hath said in his heart: 'God hath forgotten; He hideth His face; He will never see.' |
éá ÷åÌîÈä éÀäåÈä--àÅì, ðÀùÈÒà éÈãÆêÈ; àÇì-úÄÌùÀÑëÇÌç òðééí òÂðÈåÄéí. |
12 Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up Thy hand; forget not the humble. |
éâ òÇì-îÆä, ðÄàÅõ øÈùÈÑò àÁìÉäÄéí; àÈîÇø áÀÌìÄáÌåÉ, ìÉà úÄãÀøÉùÑ. |
13 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God, and say in his heart: 'Thou wilt not require'? |
éã øÈàÄúÈä, ëÄÌé-àÇúÈÌä òÈîÈì åÈëÇòÇñ úÇÌáÄÌéè-- ìÈúÅú áÀÌéÈãÆêÈ: òÈìÆéêÈ, éÇòÂæÉá çÅìÅëÈä; éÈúåÉí, àÇúÈÌä äÈéÄéúÈ òåÉæÅø. |
14 Thou hast seen; for Thou beholdest trouble and vexation, to requite them with Thy hand; {N} unto Thee the helpless committeth himself; Thou hast been the helper of the fatherless. |
èå ùÀÑáÉø, æÀøåÉòÇ øÈùÈÑò; åÈøÈò, úÄÌãÀøåÉùÑ-øÄùÀÑòåÉ áÇì-úÄÌîÀöÈà. |
15 Break Thou the arm of the wicked; and as for the evil man, search out his wickedness, till none be found. |
èæ éÀäåÈä îÆìÆêÀ, òåÉìÈí åÈòÆã; àÈáÀãåÌ âåÉéÄí, îÅàÇøÀöåÉ. |
16 The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations are perished out of His land. |
éæ úÇÌàÂåÇú òÂðÈåÄéí ùÈÑîÇòÀúÈÌ éÀäåÈä; úÈÌëÄéï ìÄáÈÌí, úÇÌ÷ÀùÄÑéá àÈæÀðÆêÈ. |
17 LORD, Thou hast heard the desire of the humble: Thou wilt direct their heart, Thou wilt cause Thine ear to attend; |
éç ìÄùÀÑôÉÌè éÈúåÉí, åÈãÈêÀ: áÇÌì-éåÉñÄéó òåÉã--ìÇòÂøÉõ àÁðåÉùÑ, îÄï-äÈàÈøÆõ. | 18 To right the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may be terrible no more. {P} |