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øôàì îòðãì éòøåï בן ëìå ùøä
Entered: 2022-02-06
Updated: 2024-11-17
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Status: Needs a refuah shleimah
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Tehillim 3

Psalms Chapter 3 úÀÌäÄìÄÌéí

à  îÄæÀîåÉø ìÀãÈåÄã:    áÀÌáÈøÀçåÉ, îÄôÀÌðÅé àÇáÀùÈÑìåÉí áÀÌðåÉ. 1 A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.
á  éÀäåÈä, îÈä-øÇáÌåÌ öÈøÈé;    øÇáÄÌéí, ÷ÈîÄéí òÈìÈé. 2 LORD, how many are mine adversaries become! Many are they that rise up against me.
â  øÇáÄÌéí, àÉîÀøÄéí ìÀðÇôÀùÄÑé:    àÅéï éÀùÑåÌòÈúÈä ìÌåÉ áÅàìÉäÄéí ñÆìÈä. 3 Many there are that say of my soul: 'There is no salvation for him in God.' Selah
ã  åÀàÇúÈÌä éÀäåÈä, îÈâÅï áÇÌòÂãÄé;    ëÀÌáåÉãÄé, åÌîÅøÄéí øÉàùÄÑé. 4 But thou, O LORD, art a shield about me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head.
ä  ÷åÉìÄé, àÆì-éÀäåÈä àÆ÷ÀøÈà;    åÇéÇÌòÂðÅðÄé îÅäÇø ÷ÈãÀùÑåÉ ñÆìÈä. 5 With my voice I call unto the LORD, and He answereth me out of His holy mountain. Selah
å  àÂðÄé ùÈÑëÇáÀúÄÌé, åÈàÄéùÈÑðÈä;    äÁ÷ÄéöåÉúÄé--ëÄÌé éÀäåÈä éÄñÀîÀëÅðÄé. 6 I lay me down, and I sleep; I awake, for the LORD sustaineth me.
æ  ìÉà-àÄéøÈà, îÅøÄáÀáåÉú òÈí--    àÂùÆÑø ñÈáÄéá, ùÈÑúåÌ òÈìÈé. 7 I am not afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.
ç  ÷åÌîÈä éÀäåÈä, äåÉùÄÑéòÅðÄé àÁìÉäÇé--    ëÄÌé-äÄëÄÌéúÈ àÆú-ëÈÌì-àÉéÀáÇé ìÆçÄé;
ùÄÑðÅÌé øÀùÈÑòÄéí    ùÄÑáÇÌøÀúÈÌ.
8 Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God; for Thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek, {N}
Thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked.
è  ìÇéäåÈä äÇéÀùÑåÌòÈä;    òÇì-òÇîÀÌêÈ áÄøÀëÈúÆêÈ ñÆÌìÈä. 9 Salvation belongeth unto the LORD; Thy blessing be upon Thy people. Selah {P}