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éò÷á בן ìàä
Entered: 2020-10-16
Updated: 2024-09-29
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Status: Needs a refuah shleimah
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New Hempstead - STNH (Shaarei Tefilla of New Hempstead)
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2020-10-16 05:39:49Yaakov Geis
2020-10-16 05:37:35

Tehillim 88

Psalms Chapter 88 úÀÌäÄìÄÌéí

à  ùÄÑéø îÄæÀîåÉø, ìÄáÀðÅé-÷ÉøÇç:
ìÇîÀðÇöÅÌçÇ òÇì-îÈçÂìÇú ìÀòÇðÌåÉú;    îÇùÀÒëÄÌéì, ìÀäÅéîÈï äÈàÆæÀøÈçÄé.
1 A Song, a Psalm of the sons of Korah; {N}
for the Leader; upon Mahalath Leannoth. Maschil of Heman the Ezrahite.
á  éÀäåÈä, àÁìÉäÅé éÀùÑåÌòÈúÄé--    éåÉí-öÈòÇ÷ÀúÄÌé áÇìÇÌéÀìÈä ðÆâÀãÆÌêÈ. 2 O LORD, God of my salvation, what time I cry in the night before Thee,
â  úÈÌáåÉà ìÀôÈðÆéêÈ, úÀÌôÄìÈÌúÄé;    äÇèÅÌä àÈæÀðÀêÈ, ìÀøÄðÈÌúÄé. 3 Let my prayer come before Thee, incline Thine ear unto my cry.
ã  ëÄÌé-ùÈÒáÀòÈä áÀøÈòåÉú ðÇôÀùÄÑé;    åÀçÇéÇÌé, ìÄùÀÑàåÉì äÄâÄÌéòåÌ. 4 For my soul is sated with troubles, and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.
ä  ðÆçÀùÇÑáÀúÄÌé, òÄí-éåÉøÀãÅé áåÉø;    äÈéÄéúÄé, ëÀÌâÆáÆø àÅéï-àÁéÈì. 5 I am counted with them that go down into the pit; I am become as a man that hath no help;
å  áÇÌîÅÌúÄéí,    çÈôÀùÄÑé:
ëÀÌîåÉ çÂìÈìÄéí, ùÉÑëÀáÅé ÷ÆáÆø--    àÂùÆÑø ìÉà æÀëÇøÀúÈÌí òåÉã;
åÀäÅîÈÌä,    îÄéÈÌãÀêÈ ðÄâÀæÈøåÌ.
6 Set apart among the dead, {N}
like the slain that lie in the grave, whom Thou rememberest no more; {N}
and they are cut off from Thy hand.
æ  ùÇÑúÇÌðÄé, áÀÌáåÉø úÇÌçÀúÄÌéÌåÉú;    áÀÌîÇçÂùÇÑëÄÌéí, áÄÌîÀöÉìåÉú. 7 Thou hast laid me in the nethermost pit, in dark places, in the deeps.
ç  òÈìÇé, ñÈîÀëÈä çÂîÈúÆêÈ;    åÀëÈì-îÄùÀÑáÈÌøÆéêÈ, òÄðÄÌéúÈ ñÆÌìÈä. 8 Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and all Thy waves Thou pressest down. Selah
è  äÄøÀçÇ÷ÀúÈÌ îÀéËãÈÌòÇé, îÄîÆÌðÄÌé:    ùÇÑúÇÌðÄé úåÉòÅáåÉú ìÈîåÉ; ëÈÌìËà, åÀìÉà àÅöÅà. 9 Thou hast put mine acquaintance far from me; Thou hast made me an abomination unto them; I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.
é  òÅéðÄé ãÈàÂáÈä,    îÄðÄÌé-òÉðÄé:
÷ÀøÈàúÄéêÈ éÀäåÈä áÀÌëÈì-éåÉí;    ùÄÑèÇÌçÀúÄÌé àÅìÆéêÈ ëÇôÈÌé.
10 Mine eye languisheth by reason of affliction; {N}
I have called upon Thee, O LORD, every day, I have spread forth my hands unto Thee.
éà  äÂìÇîÅÌúÄéí úÇÌòÂùÆÒä-ôÆÌìÆà:    àÄí-øÀôÈàÄéí, éÈ÷åÌîåÌ éåÉãåÌêÈ ñÆÌìÈä. 11 Wilt Thou work wonders for the dead? Or shall the shades arise and give Thee thanks? Selah
éá  äÇéÀñËôÇÌø áÇÌ÷ÆÌáÆø çÇñÀãÆÌêÈ;    àÁîåÌðÈúÀêÈ, áÈÌàÂáÇãÌåÉï. 12 Shall Thy mercy be declared in the grave? or Thy faithfulness in destruction?
éâ  äÂéÄåÈÌãÇò áÇÌçÉùÆÑêÀ ôÄÌìÀàÆêÈ;    åÀöÄãÀ÷ÈúÀêÈ, áÀÌàÆøÆõ ðÀùÄÑéÈÌä. 13 Shall Thy wonders be known in the dark? and Thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
éã  åÇàÂðÄé, àÅìÆéêÈ éÀäåÈä ùÄÑåÇÌòÀúÄÌé;    åÌáÇáÉÌ÷Æø, úÀÌôÄìÈÌúÄé úÀ÷ÇãÀÌîÆêÈÌ. 14 But as for me, unto Thee, O LORD, do I cry, and in the morning doth my prayer come to meet Thee.
èå  ìÈîÈä éÀäåÈä, úÄÌæÀðÇç ðÇôÀùÄÑé;    úÇÌñÀúÄÌéø ôÈÌðÆéêÈ îÄîÆÌðÄÌé. 15 LORD, why castest Thou off my soul? Why hidest Thou Thy face from me?
èæ  òÈðÄé àÂðÄé åÀâÉåÅòÇ îÄðÉÌòÇø;    ðÈùÈÒàúÄé àÅîÆéêÈ àÈôåÌðÈä. 16 I am afflicted and at the point of death from my youth up; I have borne Thy terrors, I am distracted.
éæ  òÈìÇé, òÈáÀøåÌ çÂøåÉðÆéêÈ;    áÄÌòåÌúÆéêÈ, öÄîÀÌúåÌúËðÄé. 17 Thy fierce wrath is gone over me; Thy terrors have cut me off.
éç  ñÇáÌåÌðÄé ëÇîÇÌéÄí, ëÈÌì-äÇéÌåÉí;    äÄ÷ÄÌéôåÌ òÈìÇé éÈçÇã. 18 They came round about me like water all the day; they compassed me about together.
éè  äÄøÀçÇ÷ÀúÈÌ îÄîÆÌðÄÌé, àÉäÅá åÈøÅòÇ;    îÀéËãÈÌòÇé îÇçÀùÈÑêÀ. 19 Friend and companion hast Thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness. {P}