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îùä בן ùøä øééæì
Entered: 2019-03-18
Updated: 2024-09-29
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Status: Needs a refuah shleimah
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Monsey - Monsey Trails 6:45am to Wall St
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Tehillim 12

Psalms Chapter 12 úÀÌäÄìÄÌéí

à  ìÇîÀðÇöÅÌçÇ òÇì-äÇùÀÌÑîÄéðÄéú,    îÄæÀîåÉø ìÀãÈåÄã. 1 For the Leader; on the Sheminith. A Psalm of David.
á  äåÉùÄÑéòÈä éÀäåÈä, ëÄÌé-âÈîÇø çÈñÄéã:    ëÄÌé-ôÇñÌåÌ àÁîåÌðÄéí, îÄáÀÌðÅé àÈãÈí. 2 Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.
â  ùÈÑåÀà, éÀãÇáÀÌøåÌ--àÄéùÑ àÆú-øÅòÅäåÌ:    ùÀÒôÇú çÂìÈ÷åÉú--áÀÌìÅá åÈìÅá éÀãÇáÅÌøåÌ. 3 They speak falsehood every one with his neighbour; with flattering lip, and with a double heart, do they speak.
ã  éÇëÀøÅú éÀäåÈä, ëÈÌì-ùÄÒôÀúÅé çÂìÈ÷åÉú--    ìÈùÑåÉï, îÀãÇáÆÌøÆú âÀÌãÉìåÉú. 4 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things!
ä  àÂùÆÑø àÈîÀøåÌ, ìÄìÀùÉÑðÅðåÌ ðÇâÀáÄÌéø--ùÀÒôÈúÅéðåÌ àÄúÈÌðåÌ:    îÄé àÈãåÉï ìÈðåÌ. 5 Who have said: 'Our tongue will we make mighty; our lips are with us: who is lord over us?'
å  îÄùÉÌÑã òÂðÄéÄÌéí,    îÅàÆðÀ÷Çú àÆáÀéåÉðÄéí:
òÇúÈÌä àÈ÷åÌí, éÉàîÇø éÀäåÈä;    àÈùÄÑéú áÀÌéÅùÇÑò, éÈôÄéçÇ ìåÉ.
6 'For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, {N}
now will I arise', saith the LORD; 'I will set him in safety at whom they puff.'
æ  àÄîÀøåÉú éÀäåÈä,    àÂîÈøåÉú èÀäÉøåÉú:
ëÆÌñÆó öÈøåÌó, áÇÌòÂìÄéì ìÈàÈøÆõ;    îÀæË÷ÈÌ÷, ùÄÑáÀòÈúÈéÄí.
7 The words of the LORD are pure words, {N}
as silver tried in a crucible on the earth, refined seven times.
ç  àÇúÈÌä-éÀäåÈä úÄÌùÀÑîÀøÅí;    úÄÌöÀÌøÆðÌåÌ, îÄï-äÇãÌåÉø æåÌ ìÀòåÉìÈí. 8 Thou wilt keep them, O LORD; Thou wilt preserve us from this generation for ever.
è  ñÈáÄéá, øÀùÈÑòÄéí éÄúÀäÇìÈÌëåÌï;    ëÀÌøËí æËìÌåÌú, ìÄáÀðÅé àÈãÈí. 9 The wicked walk on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men. {P}