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ιςχα ωμεν בן ΰρϊψ
Entered: 2015-07-27
Updated: 2024-11-17
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Tehillim 87

Psalms Chapter 87 ϊΐΜδΔμΔΜιν

ΰ  μΔαΐπΕι-χΙψΗη, ξΔζΐξεΙψ ωΔΡιψ:    ιΐρεΜγΘϊεΙ, αΐΜδΗψΐψΕι-χΙγΖωΡ. 1 A Psalm of the sons of Korah; a Song. His foundation is in the holy mountains.
α  ΰΙδΕα ιΐδεΘδ, ωΗΡςΒψΕι φΔιΜεΙο--    ξΔλΙΜμ, ξΔωΐΡλΐΜπεΙϊ ιΗςΒχΙα. 2 The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
β  πΔλΐαΘΜγεΙϊ, ξΐγΛαΘΜψ αΘΜκΐ--    ςΔιψ δΘΰΑμΙδΔιν ρΖμΘδ. 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah
γ  ΰΗζΐλΔΜιψ, ψΗδΗα εΜαΘαΖμ--    μΐιΙγΐςΘι:
δΔπΕΜδ τΐμΖωΖΡϊ εΐφΙψ ςΔν-λΜεΜωΡ;    ζΖδ, ιΛμΗΜγ-ωΘΡν.
4 'I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon as among them that know Me; {N}
behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this one was born there.'
δ  εΜμΐφΔιΜεΙο, ιΕΰΘξΗψ--    ΰΔιωΡ εΐΰΔιωΡ, ιΛμΗΜγ-αΘΜδΜ;
εΐδεΜΰ ιΐλεΙπΐπΖδΘ    ςΖμΐιεΙο.
5 But of Zion it shall be said: 'This man and that was born in her; {N}
and the Most High Himself doth establish her.'
ε  ιΐδεΘδ--ιΔρΐτΙΜψ, αΔΜλΐϊεΙα ςΗξΔΜιν:    ζΖδ ιΛμΗΜγ-ωΘΡν ρΖμΘδ. 6 The LORD shall count in the register of the peoples: 'This one was born there.' Selah
ζ  εΐωΘΡψΔιν λΐΜηΙμΐμΔιν--    λΘΜμ-ξΗςΐιΘπΗι αΘΜκΐ. 7 And whether they sing or dance, all my thoughts are in thee. {P}